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‘Likes to Cash’ Contest is now open!


Are you a writer who loves entering contests and showing off your amazing skills? Do you have a story to tell that deserves publishing? Enter the contest to win exciting cash prizes and get published!

Read more here- ‘Likes to Cash’ Contest!

Want to Submit?

Everyone has a story to tell. Maybe you have a few thoughts on the latest movie you watched, or you want to rant about a bad day you had.

We love stories of all genres and voices, but most of all, we love real authentic tales.

Think we should give you a shot?

Go ahead and submit your story, poem, blog entry, or even a writing prompt to justanothertaleweb@gmail.com to get published.

Want to get involved?

We amplify people’s voices and experience. We try to get real stories out there, we try to explore new perspectives and we try to start a new literary revolution. You can help.

Help us by volunteering as web designers, social media influencers, editors and writers.

You can also help us by donating to keep this website running for free while upholding the highest standards of quality. Every small donation helps.